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Hello Members!

Nexon is starting another GMLive event.

Here the Information:

During the event time GM MP2 & MP3 will open rooms named "MP2, MP3 LIVE" on random channels of the Alpha server.

One random player among each event hour who has fought a legible fight with the GMs will be rewarded with a 30 Day AK-47 Gold-Plated.



The GM events will be held during the dates/time below:


- April 11th 11:00-12:00 (GMT +2)
                    19:00-20:00 (GMT +2) 

- April 12th 11:00-12:00 (GMT +2)
     & ... Read more »

Category: Games | Views: 696 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-04-13 | Comments (0)

Hey Guys!

Go ahead and read this Topic:

It's German, but most of us are German and the Program is English, so no problem ;D.

And thanks to Nightmare for his help^^.

End of Transmission!
Category: Clan-Intern and Extern | Views: 717 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-04-12 | Comments (0)

Reborn Shadow (Psycho Maniac) and I, Nye (Ordo) wish you glad Easter.Enjoy it!


Views: 698 | Added by: Nye | Date: 2009-04-12 | Comments (0)


Do we hate or love Nexon?!

.... -.-" I wanted to say and of transmission...
Category: Games | Views: 697 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-04-09 | Comments (0)

Since some days of Inactivity I got bored of people leaving the clan.

I hope that some people are more Active now(includes Homepage and Forums).

Also I'll will give you more Information about Combat Arms Updates, etc.

And guys... please raise your SKILL so we can beat the crap outta those hackers.

Today we had a good Clan War, but against hackers, we suck.


~End of Transmission*chhchh*~

RebornShadow's CAE Profile:


... Read more »
Category: Clan-Intern and Extern | Views: 620 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-04-09 | Comments (0)

Hey dear members!

Lately it is become quiet around CBC.

A lot of us aren´t online, therefore, I ask to you everybody a lil' bit more activity to point. We do not want to set, finally, like an unprofessional heap of shit, or? ;-)

Many greetings,


Category: Clan-Intern and Extern | Views: 614 | Added by: Nye | Date: 2009-04-04 | Comments (0)

Heyho Guys!

Okay, well, er...


!n 4 f3w d4Y5 7/-/3y w!11 m4k3 4 n3w p47c/-/ 4nd w3 f!n411y g37 w4v3 2!d4 4nd b14ck m42k37, 0mgiii

Okay, now not in 1337/leet xD.

In a few days Nexon EU staff will release a new Patch and we finally get Wave Rider and Black Market will be released.

I hope that some of you might play with me the new map :D

3nd 0f 724n5m!550ni
Category: Games | Views: 645 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-02-20 | Comments (0)

Hey Guys!

Now it get's really important!

I can't play any game for now, cuz my Vista is fucked up at the moment and i have to start the PC with the Save Mode.

Please don't ask me stupid questions.

Your faithly RebornShadow

Edit #1:

Now is Nye leading the Clan!

I probably wont come online for ca. 1-6 months so please do what Nye tells you!

Sorry, I have to get a new PC or a have to buy Vista -.-.

And for both things I don't own the money.
Category: Clan-Intern and Extern | Views: 644 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-02-11 | Comments (1)

Hey Soldiers!

The CAE Homepage got an awesome update today!

So visit the Site at:

End of Transmission!
Category: Games | Views: 889 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-01-29 | Comments (0)

Hello Guys!

I wanted to tell ya that you have to OWN Xfire and add all Clan Members,
cuz sometimes we talk about some intern stuff on Xfire.

By the way you can find the Xfire addys under the topic Members.

End of Transmission, your faithly RebornShadow!
Category: Clan-Intern and Extern | Views: 613 | Added by: RebornShadow | Date: 2009-01-26 | Comments (0)

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